Dear Kanzaki,
Was really in shocked to hear that yesterday night there was somebody broke into college and some residents reported lost in valuable items.
There are rumors about it is done by our own college's student but some others said there was outsider who broke into our college and did criminal.
That time was around 4am and i was still in my dream whereas my senior was still studying.
She realized our door was being pushed slowly from outside and she felt something was wrong.
Then she went and opened the door and checked it out who was outside.
She found out there was nobody outside and no even voices of footsteps can be heard.
Of course it was so weird.
And this morning confirmed that some of our residents have lost their laptop and hand phones.
It is the first broke in case that I have experienced since I enter this university.
Here I would like to advise to all our residents please be alert to all your items and always keep the door shut down and locked to prevent these cases.
With these cases,I always like to think of act like a detective and figure out who is the criminal.
For sure my idol of detective is Sir Sherlock Holmes created by Sir Conan Doyle.
The base of the story is on 1880+century and featured in London,England.
He is brilliant and is famous because of his "logical reasoning" used in solving all the difficult and mysterious cases.
Every cases he went through are really interesting and heart catching.
For sure every cases he also can solve it off smartly and amazingly.

Even the Japanese famous comic and anime-Detective Conan.
The main hero in it,Kudou Shinichi changes his name to Conan Edogawa,influenced by the Conan Doyle,author of the Sherlock Holmes.
This is the Sherlock Holmes movie released during year 2009.

I was unable to watch it that time!!I must watch it next time if got time.
-Sir Sherlock Holmes and Dr.John Watson-
There are also other investigation and detective type Japanese drama which I like it very much.
One of it is Zeitai Reido,绝对零度 or Absolute Zero.
A group of investigators are given mission on re-investigate those unsolved cases in Japan until they find the truth.
In the process they face lots of problems and obstacles as re-investigate those unsolved cases that have already left for a long time are really difficult.
Mostly some important evidences are lost with the progressing of time and witnesses may not be able to remember some important scenes during case happening.
However,their determination in solving those cases really impressed me a lot!!
This is indeed a nice CSI type drama.

Next,I would like to recommend this teenager detective drama,production of Japan too.
Tantei Gakuen Q,侦探学院Q.
The storyline is simple and easy to understand,
but sometimes it will also include some heart breaking and shocking murder scenes.
Well I think it is OK for me.

One of the main reason I like this drama is because..
there is artist that I like acted in this drama-山田凉介Yamada Ryosuke.
He is an intelligent and handsome teenager detective in this drama with name Ryu Amasuka天草流.

I like his smile.As he hardly smiles in this drama.
Always in cold looking and hard to get close with people around him.
But after he joined Tantei Gakuen,he is getting closer with people and become more friendly.
This is the sweetest smile I have seen in this drama.

All these are artists and actors in this drama.
All of them made up a nice and interesting story!!

This is the Tantei Qakuen Q's movie.
Everyone in it look young and cute especially Kyu Renjo(front row middle) and Ryu Amasuka(front row right).

That's all for today.
It is pretty bad as just now when I almost finished editting my blog,
google chrome was not responding and I have to retype my blog again.
That is why it was taken up some time.
By the way,I have a great lunch time today.
This is the greatest cup noodle I have ever tried in my life.
It a sour and spicy Thailand Tom Yam seafood cup noodles with lots of ingredients inside!!
And it is so big in pot compared to other cup noodles.
The taste really suit my favor and the spiciness is in right proportion.
Guess I should buy back some for my daddy even though he don't really like cup noodles.
But indeed it is a great and worth to have a try on it.
Time to start study again.
Enjoy your day too. =]
Best regards,

so furious??!!!
luckily ur senior still study lo!!
yup dangerous lol..
thought was ghost ...
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