Typically the iBilik divides the room category into two small sub-part, which is Room For Rent and Short Term Rentals. Once you click for the Room For Rent category, you can see there is a number of room available for you to rent. Clicking into any of the room rental post will direct you to the description about a room. Basic necessities such as availability of air conditioner, washing machine, cooking, furniture and much more will be all included in the description page by the room owner. Of course, the price is listed clearly too.
If you are interested with certain room, you can click on the contact button to try further negotiate with the owner. However, you must first be one of the member of this portal first. Simply register for this site and next time, it ease you in having more information about rooms rental in Malaysia. No loss right?
For the short term rental, you can sort the list by most booking and cheapest rental. For short term rental, the room is with pictures available as well, so it gives you a clearly figure about a room. Also, map that locate the room is attached to the room description page, so that it makes you easily to locate where is the exact location. You can choose your availability for the room, and can instantly book the room with the owner. It saves your time and your money as well, as your can always grab the cheapest room online. If you think it is too much room for you to choose from, there is always a search button for you, where you can choose the type of room you want to. Simple and handy to use.
Still having problem to book rental room? It becomes so much simpler if you can check out this website: iBilik, save your work, your time and as well, you money!