So our assignments for 2 subjects have to pass up on next week Monday and Tuesday..
Well for sure this whole week is damn busy for me.
And there are badminton practices undergoing for this whole week
as we have tournament next week too.
The sad thing is guy tournament already lost while in group tournament..
so cannot even enter quarter final
next week will be our female's team turn...
I am still not confident enough to play this game.
Haha I am still nab..(I admit that.)
Yesterday was a happy and satisfying day for me.
My circuit project kept bother me for the whole week even though I know how to do all the things out,
I cannot get my desired results!!
I was like "Huh?? I did everything correct but why still ...T_T..."
How sad.
but then yesterday with a help of a friend,
Woow my circuit can run nicely!!

Thank for her help!!
And my friends said my Karnaugh maps were so cute.
I am so happy about it.
As i wasted quite a lot of time on doing all these.
That means my efforts are not wasted.
About our another assignment,
the guy in my group already did all the whole game out,
which is a Hangman game.
That is really saving lots of time and my brain juices to figure the codes for this game.
Ohyea I am bad at programming. Haha
But I also feel bad to myself as I should also help in doing the codes.
I feel like myself learn nothing!!
That's why now I really have to look through every codes that he has written!!
Must study hard katy!!!!
Another happy moment is:
I got max marks for my quiz that will be included in our final score achievement!!
There were 2 quizzes.
The first quiz I did quite badly as I only managed to get 3 out of 5 marks.
And other of my friends managed to get 4 to 5 marks!!
I was really sad...
Luckily there was another quiz from our tutor.
So i made up my mind..A must to get a least 4 marks.
The second quiz was harder compared to first quiz.
In 1 hour time I can only managed to finish 1 question.
My friends can only finish 1 question only as well.
And the tutor class was only 1 hour but there were 3 questions!!
After 1 hour, my friends all went off as many of them were managed to get quite good marks for the 1st quiz.
And tutor said she will only choose the higher score into the final score achievement.
So left me alone to do the 3 questions.
I was determined to finish 3 questions
to get better score though it is only maximum 5 marks.
I was glad that the tutor was willing to wait for me to pass up my answer
though that time was already 6pm.
Thank you her a lot!!
And yesterday when tutor gave back our quiz
she told me I was the only person to finish the 3 questions.
And she said I got full marks!!
Yes!! I made it!!So happy!!
Even though it was only 5 marks,
but I don't know why I was so particular about it.
Maybe I am that type of person that don't want to lose to others.

Was having fun time enjoying chicken chop in SS2 Murni,
one of the famous restaurant in KL area.
The chicken chop rice was so big plate and
even that time i was in damn hungry,
after finished the chicken chop with rice,
I kept shouting FULL!!
The mango special was indeed very nice!!
With water melon,laici,jelly,mixing with mango ice blended!!
Indeed a satisfying enjoyment!!

Last but not least thank for Rafiq brother for being driver and fetch us to there.
Without him we won't be able to go hang out !
Tomorrow is Friday..
And I am going back to hometown tomorrow!!
As next week is my daddy's birthday.
I have already bought a t-shirt for him as present.Hehe...
Looking forward to go back tomorrow
and hopefully I can play table tennis with Kar Yau brother at hometown.
Wanna kick his butt off!! Haha!!
After this have to concentrate on study,
as final is around the corner.
All the best to me!!

Best regards,