Dear Kanzaki,
Just finished watching The 6th Sense movie.
I know it is an old movie.
But just don't know why my heart feel like want to re watch this movie again.
As I only watched this alone when I was 10 years old,
during midnight.
That time what I was thinking was:

This little boy,Cole,was very brave to face all prejudiced thinkings and viewings from others.
If I were him,I won't be able to handle all these.
I am not that brave,alone to face all these.
How sad.
As people don't believe what you said but what you said is indeed something true.
That's why Cole always keep his secret in his heart.
The secret was:Cole was able to see dead people.

He was always in scare and depressed.
He scared that all those ghosts would hurt him.
He wanted to tell people what he fear about,
but no one would listen to him.
And people treated him a freak.
How sad.
Now i re watch this movie again.
Is really lots of different from this re watch compared to my first watch when I was 10 years old.
This is really an amazing story.
Last time when I were still a kid and watched this movie,
I was so afraid that those sudden appeared ghosts would come and attack me.
Experiencing the same feeling like Cole.
But from this re watch,
I was still experiencing the fear,
but not as serious as when I were still a kid.
Now I will try to think,
maybe those ghosts need your help too.
That's why they come and seek help from you,
as you got the special sense that can help them
To get out of something.
Please don't think that because you are a bit different from others,
and treat bad to yourself.
The GOD gives you something special and different,
doesn't mean that you are a freak.
Your specialty can help others too,don't hide it.
Everyone is a special individual.
Everyone is different from others.
So please,
don't think that you are useless.
You might have something special in you.
Try to discover it,
and use it to help others.
I actually feel pity to the psychologist doctor,Dr.Malcolm.
He don't even know he was already died.
He needed to complete something before he leave this world.
But he was died.
He was indeed a good doctor.
He determined to help Cole.
I like this movie very much.
I like some psycho story.
As it makes you think.
Best regards,