Dear Kanzaki,
These few days were really satisfied and joyful.
Lectures and tutorials have finally come to an end.
And it also means that the first semester in university will come to end
with killing final exams awaiting for us.
You know I am a playful person,
haha still not yet start my revision,
but instead go hanging out first.
Fine I will start study tomorrow!!
Recently realize myself can eat A LOT...
For example,right before i went back from market for dinner,
I ate McDonald's ice cream with thick chocolate topping and a jelly dessert.
Then went to buy economic sushi for dinner,
while my college will provide us with dinner also.
OK then fine I went back and eat college's dinner,my sushi,potato chips that I bought

and later asked my friend to buy French fries at other college's food stall.
The potato chips look cute with a cute panda pasted on the bottle.
Damn i ate too much!!
But this is also my nature: Like to eat and enjoy...
I like university's life.
I control all my time and can do what I want.
I am now actually enjoying my life..
not really suffering for study. =D
This is what I like about my life.
But cannot enjoy to much for sure.
As final exams are around the corner.
I must get good result!!
I like sweet stuff very much,
especially cute and nice in looking one.

Recently I am seeking for some cute dessert-Macarons.
It is like a cute small size hamburger with sweet and creamy paste in between of two crunchy beats.
According to Wikipedia,a perfect macaron must be with smooth,mildly moistly paste and can easily be melted into mouth...
OMG I really wanna try it out!!

But It is really hard to find in Malaysia.
I have sought through quite some bakery shops in KL area.
But still not be able to find these cute thingy.
Hopefully can find them in somewhere someday.
I wonder how amazing and fantastic these cute thingy are.

Last but not least,
realize myself actually very talented in psychology.
was so excited to see psychology books available in MPH book store.
I would like to know what others are thinking,
from what they are doing,what they are speaking.
It is some kind of new knowledge to explore.
It sounds cool for me haha.
I like IQ and indeed I like to do lots of thinking.
But not thinking for study haha.
However,the most urgent thing for now is:

study hard and smart for everyone!!
Best regards,

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