For your information, Flyff All Stars is somehow quite big different in style of game play compared to Flyff Online. In Flyff Online, as long as you are online, you are basically free to hunt for monsters, experience, penya (Oh God even after stop playing Flyff Online for 5 years, unbelievably I still can remember the currency in game), bosses, everything. Well in Flyff All Stars, "Wing" (auto generating every 10 minutes) is needed to enter a dungeon, a hunting ground with normal monsters, and the one waiting for you at the end of each dungeon is the boss with longer hp/the one hitting you harder. Finish clearing the dungeon, it grants you rewards, either in term of Timed Zone Ticket, Hero, Golds, Crystals for forging equipment, or you might GET NUTS... It is like the peaks and lows in life, sometimes you got what you aim of, sometimes something better is ahead and prompting you to try again, sometimes unexpectedly you got nothing for your hard work. Haha experiencing life in game, are you interested to try this game out? :D
Ohya those who completed the dungeon in shortest time, you are entitled to be the "Dungeon Master" for the dungeon completed in shortest run time. Your name will be there and awaiting others to kick you down from your "crown" when others complete the dungeon with much shorter time than you, HAHA! So far from what I observed to be a Dungeon Master, there are free Golds sending to inbox when someone beats your time. Hence, the longer you stay as Dungeon Master, more Golds are awarded. I like challenges, but recently there are "bots" where they are much lower level than me, sucker heros, finish the dungeon wayssssss faster than at my level. Please do something, those bots deserve a ban from spoiling our fun challenging the limit we can go.
If you considered yourself a hardcore type of player, let's be comrade buddy! Add me in game, more people the merrier! There are daily quests everyday where we need to help out each others, by summoning buddy while tackling harder dungeons/Timed Zone or you can deploy my hero to help out if you need me. Now GM also joins the crowd, remember to be friend with GM at flyffallstars. Free summoning of Tier ★7 hero to join your dungeon force. Aww unlucky today, I could be the first to summon GM's hero, but but but... I got no more comrade ticket! Please be wise in using your comrade ticket.
Through summoning or deploying hero, besides more helping hands, at the same time clearing daily quest, earning the most precious currency in game, the DIAMONDS! With diamonds, more fun things can be done, like summoning more high tier heros at the same time, purchasing experience boost up, more Golds and Crystals can be bought for upgrading. Other ways of getting more diamonds include:
- Level hero to level 30 (minimum level for fusion) and get free 5 diamonds
- Join the fun of PKing in Arena! Fight more players, achieve high ranking, more diamonds as rewards
- Complete Daily and Hero Quests, especially the Dungeon Master Quest. Once completing the final round of Dungeon Master Quest, 500 diamonds will be laid at your inbox! Woot!
- Purchase the diamonds as you like from App Store.
The rich can always enjoy more exciting contents in the game. Play smart!
Arghh! I forget to introduce you the most important element in game, which is HERO! In Flyff Online, there are 4 basic classes, and you can further evolve to more specialized class. In Flyff All Stars, listen up, there are around 200 heros(should be) starting from Tier ★3, ★4, ★5, ★6 and ★7. There are PK Arena for respective tiers of hero. Eg. Tier ★5 hero can enter a ★5, ★6 and ★7 Arena but unable to enter Tier ★3 and ★4 Arena. Higher level tier upgraded hero can effectively "Power Level" lower level hero, which means higher level hero can bring the "small" level hero to fight in dungeons in later region, earning more experience and level faster.
Power level in Flyff Online:
Elemental wind fielding bunch of Mammoths in Azria and I am the cute leech to 'steal' experience. This is so much fun but tends to heart attack easily! Be warn if you have a weak heart.
Power level in Flyff All Stars:
Higher tier heros grinding in higher region for leveling lower level hero.
Hoping for more events in future, and more freshly baked contents will be added to Flyff All Stars. I have a list of events/recommendations/lame ideas but here are few important features, finger crossing to see in later versions. Just my 2 cents in future game enhancements:
- Chat system PLEASEEEEEE, chit chatting is the best part of any game. Chat system would be able to make the game more lively.
- Trading system maybe? I enjoy game with trade system. At least you have something to do besides hard grinding, PK and what else? Please comment!
- I miss Clockwork. Can please bring back Clockwork? I miss soloing it with only my BillPoster as buffer.
- Any event dungeon for raid? Free to hunt monsters with lavish drop and no time limit?
- More items to purchase from Shop
- Where is the "FLY" element in FLYFF ALL STARS? Missing the time flying around either on Broom or Skateboard or Iforgotwhatsthenameoftheflyingboard.
Flyff All Stars is much more simpler to play, and playable everywhere. Foreseeing if more contents added, it is a potential gem, potential diamond to rock the game market. I don't normally blog, when I do, I would like to blog about experiences and incidents that impact my life, deeply. Flyff is playing a big part in my life. I met so many in game brothers, friends from all over the world, teaming up together though we are from different backgrounds and having distinct cultures. I wish it will be eventually becoming better, much better. Last but not least, Happy 10th Anniversary for Flyff. <3