Hi everyone! Long time no blogging! Was getting busy since I am now a final year student :O Happy about myself is one more year and I will be graduating! Sad thing is I am now suffering for my FYP(Final Year Project)... But no matter how hard my life now, I am sure I can go through it, and graduating like a boss! Bring proud to my family!
Cough, get my to my topic. The purpose I blog today is... Tadaa! My design for the Nuffnang's Youth Credit Card contest. Hmm... I am not an Art student, but I think I am enthusiastic enough in photographing. I love photographing, especially taking photo freely, whenever I am and wherever I am!
So... For me, this is one of my precious photos taken along these years. That time was Form 4, and me and my classmates went for camping during a sunny day. Probably that day was my lucky day too, and see... I discovered a 4-leaf clover!!! Seriously a lucky day for me! I examined the clover under sun, realized that the sky was so wonderful, the sun was so bright and I felt so blessed! Then, to capture such a precious moment, I took out my lousy camera, "ka-cha", and saved this photo well inside my memory.
And today, I found this Nuffnang's Youth Credit Card design contest, well I guess at least I should give this a try with my fortunate photo that blesses me along my adolescence period. I name this card as: "Yay! I Own Fortune!". The reasons why I choose this photo to be my design are:
Reminder: Please open in new tab to see the actual size!
2. The blue and bright sky. What you can think of with a blue sky? Freedom? No limitation? Sunny? Bright? Opportunity? Yea exactly, you can read my mind! Yea the sky is the home for birds, and we teenagers, are always seeking for freedom, we always wish that we are the birds, fly high and fly through every corners in the sky. The sky, is so huge and limitless. Opportunity is everywhere. What you have to do is be positive thinking and keep moving on! So every moment you see this card, it tells you not to give up, be steady up and move forward in life! Always preserve a optimistic thinking, as sun will still shine every morning, no matter how dark the night is!
3. Maturity. Adolescence is the most valuable time in your life. You will be waving goodbye to your childhood and eagerly waiting to become a mature adult. There are many things you need to consider during this valuable time in your life. You need to think of how to manage your future life, so that you can be a great person, that contribute to the country, and bring proud to your family. For a youth credit card, I guess it should preserve some level of maturity, not just be funky and unrealistic. This card inspires you to think maturely whenever there is a problem occurred in life. You will be an adult soon, so it's time to train your thinking, to be able to think like an adult too!
Here's my brief idea on my design. I really hope to own a card like this as it seems like really will bring "Huat" and "Ong" to my life! I am blessed! HaHaHa!!! (Sorry la, Chinese memang superstitious a bit.) Thank for taking my time reading my idea, god bless to every contestant! And me! HaHaHa!
P/S: Yay! I Own Fortune!