***Planning for some short period vacations in Malaysia BUT...
having troubles to find where to stay for just a short period?
***Sick of encountering troubles to get information about where to stay during your vacation?
***Uncertain about basic information of a certain hotel or a homestay?
***Do not know which place to choose for staying and not sure about a standard pricing for staying just a few nights?
Fine, what for having headache finding where to stay while you should enjoy happily during your blissful trip?
Do not panic at the first place! Here, I found out that this website: iBilik, contains useful information about the kind of homestays or rooms available in every states of Malaysia. It is basically a Malaysian travel website. However, if you want to search for homestays available in other countries such as Singapore or Indonesia, you can get information from it too.
My first impression about this website is it is quite plain with just a simple layout. But slowly, I found out that although it is simple and plain, it contains clear and up-to-date information which user will always ask about when renting a room. The homestays and rooms available are updated daily. It is easy to glance through this website and you will find out that it is quite handy to search for homestay information from it.
First of all, when you want to find homestay in a certain places, you need to know where is it, what kind of homestay in your mind, right? Search box is provided by iBilik and you can search for rooms in all categories. For example, dorm rooms, rooms from budget hotels or shared apartment, whole apartment and even whole house! Various choices for you to choose from!
The next thing you may want to know more about is ...hmmm...maybe the pricing and further details about the homestay that have you eyes on it. In iBilik, pricing of a homestay is already posted up in the homestay rentals list [As shown]. With just a click open the link of your chosen homestay, it will show up further details about the homestay. Clear and detail pictures about the homestay will appear under your eyelids. A picture worths a thousand words. From the pictures provided, you can know roughly the environment of your chosen homestay. The basic facilities and accommodations are all listed in the description. Also, the extra facilities available will highlight your desire to book for this homestay. Some credits such as security, air-cond available, cooking allowed, internet available and washing machine available may also in your consider list of choosing a valued-for-money's homestay.

What's next? You are interested in renting the homestay but...YOU DO NOT KNOW WHERE IS IT?No worry mate, there is a Google map embedded under the description part and gives out locations about every homestay. Zooming in and out to search where is the location of your homestay!

Now, you have made up your mind and want to book this homestay, and cannot wait for your trip! You can scroll down a bit under Map/Direction, and check for the availability about this homestay. Of course, you can check for the terms and conditions that needed to follow of you want to rent for it. Reviews from other users that ever rented about a certain homestay can also be found in the homestay page[As shown]. Opinions from others are most welcome. This is to ensure that you are worth for the paid. After you satisfied with everything, and you think the homestay you have chosen is the best, you finally click the BOOK NOW! button and proceed with the payment.

If you doubt about the reliability of the host, you can always contact the person-in-charged of
iBilik. If you are not satisfied with the service and want a refund, you can always drop them a message. The iBilik team member will handle the enquiries as soon as possible to give you the best service. 
Still worry about where to stay during your vacation? Search iBilik and enjoy your vacation happily!